Friday, July 29, 2011

Baked Tilapia & Veggies

Tonight's dinner was just great, and now it's time to share our recipe with you. When we first started dating, all we did was cook together. Jess was living in the dorms, and Tim was off-campus so needless to say- she came over a ton for anything that wasn't cafeteria food. This Baked Tilapia & Veggies recipe- we actually put together ourselves. We both love fish, vegetables, rice, and cheese sooo why not combine them all together? We thought it was a good idea, and we're sure you will too.

What you'll need:
Frozen Tilapia Filets- $2.00
2 cups of any kind of vegetables you want- $2.00
((We used squash, zucchini, carrots, green pepper, and orange tomatoes))
2 cups of cooked rice- $1.00
Lemon Juice- $1.00-for a big bottle
Salt & Pepper
Parmesan or Mozzarella Cheese(optional)

Total Price: $6.00. Makes 4 servings.
Per Person: $1.50

1.) Thaw frozen tilapia filets and preheat oven to 350 degrees.
2.) Start cooking the rice according to directions on package.
3.) Chop vegetables and set aside.

4.) Lay out about two 1.5'-2' of tin foil and spoon half of rice on each. Place fish on top.

5.) Put half of the vegetables on top of each and sprinkle salt, pepper and lemon juice.

6.) Fold foil over and make into packages. Poke holes in the foil with a fork and place in the oven.

7.) Bake on 350 for 30-35 minutes.
8.) (optional) Open package put mozzarella cheese on top and bake until cheese melted.
9.) Enjoy :)

{Tip: If you buy your tilapia filets @ Food Lion, sometimes they have their tilapia filets for buy one, get one!}

Stay classy fellow food lovers,



  1. I have been using Tilapia a lot lately and am always looking for new recipes!! Thanks for posting! This looks delicious :)

  2. Tilapia is our favorite to make- real easy, cheap, & good. Glad you liked this recipe, Laura. Glad you got to try it out! :)
